OctoPrint installation on Orange PI PC – Autostart

After the installation of OctoPrint and CuraEngine in the previous article

OctoPrint Package Installation

we treat now the configuration of the 3d print server.

As first operation, we set up the automatic startup of OctoPrint.

Run the following commands

Edit the /etc/ defaults/octoprint file changing the pointing to the executable to start OctoPrint using vi

or nano

and edit the file from


taking into account also the different user being used.

Add the script to startup automatically OctoPrint

Start OctoPrint  with the command

Check that OctoPrint is active on port 5000 of the Orange PI PC by accessing the address

Rebooting the Orange PI PC, the OctoPrint server now starts automatically.

In the next article, Linux will be configured to connect to OctoPrint on the Http standard port, i.e. on  port 80

HAProxy Installation