Uploading LUA code on ESP8266

After flashing the nodemcu firmware

Flashing the firmware

you can upload your own LUA script code on your device. To do this there are several tools

Uploading LUA code

In this article we’ll treat  ESPlorer


It ‘a java application available for Windows, Linux and OSX. As a prerequisite requires the presence of Java SE ver. 7 or higher.

Download the tool from the link listed below to a folder

ESPlorer Download

To run it excecute from command prompt

or we can use a script in dos or unix (ESPlorer.bat or ESPlorer.sh).

At this point we plug the Nodemcu devkit to the PC and set the communication parameters and the speed of the COM port.

In Windows we have the following screen


You can press Open, which allows access to the device.


You can proceed at this point to the creation of your own code in LUA script and upload it on the ESP8266; you can use the various modules available in the  firmware according to the documentation

Nodemcu API

In the next article we’ll describe how to compile your personalized firmware in Linux

Nodemcu compilation