Sensors Monitoring – Envinronment Setup 2

After the software components installation in the previous article

Sensors Monitoring – Eninronment Setup

we finish this operation with this article.


The Influxdb is installed as indicated in the link


For Debian 9 we execute the following commands

Check that everything works correctly by connecting with the infludb client



We proceed to the installation of node.js

Then we proceed to  nodered installation, as indicated at the link

Nodered installation

To run nodered at the start up, we use the script available at the following link

Nodered autostart

We did not run the automated script, but executed the following steps

Edit /etc/init.d/nodered and change the user from pi to monitor, ie change the parameter



Start  nodered

Check that nodered works by accessing the following link with the browser



Restart the system and check that nodered starts automatically.

Proceed to the installation of the nodered add-ons



We proceed to download the version for arm

Grafana for ARM

Enable and start Grafana

Access the system using the url


Log in with the user admin and password admin; change the password

GrafanaOnce the new password has been set, the setup interface is available

Grafana2In the next articles we will execute the settings to be able to view the sensors data.

Reverse Proxy installation

To access the system through port 80 of the http server we use nginx as a reverse proxy


We disable apache

We proceed to the installation of nginx

Everything must be configured to access the two systems using the following links

http://dashboardora.local/nodered for nodered

http://dashboardora.local/grafana for grafana

For Grafana we follow the official documentation

Grafana proxy

We change the file /etc/grafana/grafana.ini by modifying the domain and root_url parameters; in our file the parameteres are modified  as follows

Then we configure nginx, creating the servizi file with the following contents in the /etc/nginx/sites-available folder

Here is the link of the nginx configuration

nginx configuration

We run the following command

and start nginx and grafana services

At this point it is possible to access the two services via the links




grafana-nginxIn the next article we start the configuration of the various modules needed for the sensors monitoring

Sensors Monitoring – MySql Configuration