ESP32 – IDF Sdk with Eclipse

After configuring the IDF development environment in the previous article

ESP32 – IDF Sdk

let’s see now how to use Eclipse as IDE for code development. Instructions are available at the link

Eclipse Setup

Download the  C/C++ Eclipse  for Linux

Eclipse Download

Unpack the file and move it to /opt/

Run ecplise

Set the workspace for eclipse

eclipse-workspaceOnce the IDE is open, select File -> Import -> C / C ++ – -> Existing Code as Makefile Project

eclipse-importPress Next; on the next screen select the folder containing the Makefile of a sample project in the “Existing Code Location” field and choose CrossGcc as “Toolchain for indexer settings” as shown below

eclipse-import2Once the project is loaded, using the mouse right button on the project name, select the properties option

eclipse-project-propertiesUnder C / C ++ Build -> Envinronment add the variable

eclipse-batchAdd the IDF_PATH variable pointing to the downloaded IDF SDK in the same section

eclipse-idf-pathEdit the PATH variable and add the path to the bin folder of the cross compiler /home/sviluppo/Esp32/espressif/esp/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin

eclipse-pathAccess “C / C ++ General” -> “Preprocessor Include Paths”; choose the Providers tab and click on “CDT Cross GCC Built-in Compiler Settings”

eclipse-cross-cdtReplace $ {COMMAND}

eclipse-cross-cdt1with xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc

eclipse-cross-cdt2Choose now, always in the providers section,  “CDT GCC Build Output Parser”

eclipse-cross-cdt3and insert at the beginning of the “Compiler command pattern” xtensa-esp32-elf-

eclipse-cross-cdt4Save the configurations.

The project settings should always be made by make menuconfig in the unix shell. Access the shell and set the LED to be switched on/off  the value 2 as GPIO; this is because in our case the card is a doit whose design is illustrated in this document

Access to Example configuration

blink-configurationand set the gpio value to 2

blink-gpioSave the configuration. Go back to Eclipse and proceed with cleaning with

eclipse-clean-blinkand subsequent compilation with Project -> Build

eclipse-build-blinkTo run firmware flash from eclipse;, select the project and with the right button choose Build Targets -> Create …

eclipse-create-targetEnter flash as value in the target name field, leaving everything else as default

eclipse-create-target-flashAt this point we proceed to upload the image by double-clicking on the new flash item within the project targets

eclipse-run-flashThe settings to run the flash must be set with make menuconfig, as seen in the previous article