OctoPrint installation on Orange PI PC – HAProxy Installation

After the automatic start of OctoPrint configuration

OctoPrint Autostart

at this point we can set up the system to answer to the standard port of an Http server.

For this purpose we install and configure the HAProxy reverse proxy


Proceed to the installation

Edit the /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg file and add to the default the directives including also the use of webcam

Restart the proxy with the command

Restart the Orange PI. If everything is configured correctly, the 3D print server answers on port 80  of the Orange Pi PC ip address


haproxyIt is possible to map the Octoprint service on port 5000 only to the loopback interface by editing the file ~/.octoprint/config.yaml

and adding the host reference under the server directive

Restart OctoPrint

Now the 5000 port is mapped only with the address

In the next article, we’ll configure Linux to publish the hostname on the network so that it can be accessed through this reference without using the IP address

Local Hostname Resolution