OctoPrint installation on Orange PI PC – Print Test File

After the OctoPrint server configuration

Printer settings

we set the connection parameters for the printer.

After connecting to the OctoPrint server with the octoprint user and password as password, we set up the printer connection


With these settings it is possible to print a gcode file already generated with Cura or Slic3r



or upload a stl file on which the slice will be executed using the loaded cura profile and the CuraEngine on the Orange Pi PC system.

In the case where a stl file is imported, the slicing of the file is proposed

octoprint-sliceAt this point the file is ready for printing

octoprint-fileslicedOnce the printing is started, the progress and temperature can be checked

octoprint-progressbaras the layers that are being created

octoprint-sliceprogressIn this example, the basic settings were used to start the system for the first time.

For further information and configurations on OctoPrint refer to the software documentation

Octoprint Documentation

At the following link the supported printers are listed

Supported printers