Tag Archives: sat set-top box

Enigma2 package compilation

After the enigma2 compilation

Enigma 2 image compilation

we show how to create a package.

In the recipes-local folder

we create a folder for our package, for example testpackage, and a subfolder files

In the file testpackage.c, in the files folder, we insert the test code

We have to create the Readme.txt in the files folder and the LICENSE file  in the testpackage folder. The Readme.txt file contains informations about the application. For the LICENSE, without information at the moment, we have to generate the hash to insert into the bitbake file.

md5sum command creates the md5 file for the LICENSE

Now we are ready to create the bitbake testpackage_0.1.bb file in the testpackage folder; here is the content of this file

We are now ready to compile the testpackage. We use the Zgemma envinronment to compile the files, as described below

The package is available in the folder shown below

To install the package on the Zgemma H2H we have to trasfer the  testpackage_0.1-r0_mips32el.ipk file on  ZGemma H3 in the /tmp folder and execute in a shell, accessible using the telnet application, the following command

To force the installation use

The executable is available in the /usr/bin folder; the execution gives us the expected output

OpenATV Enigma2 image compilation

In this article we describe how to generate an OpenATV image, based on the Enigma 2 framework


 Atfer the compilation envinronment installation, described in this previous article

Debian envinroment setup

we can proceed as described below.

Execute the logon into Debian envinronment with the development user (sviluppo in our example). In the home directory create the enigma2 folder

 Install the following packages

Modify the shell as bash executing

and choosing the NO option.

Create under openatv an enigma2 folder

At this step let’s create a folder sources; this folder will contain all the sources for the various set-top boxes we would like to compile

Using the git command we clone locally the oe-alliance repository

After this task enter into build-envinronment folder and execute

Now we modifiy the source dowload folder editing the site.conf file and changing the parameter as described below from


We are ready now to proceed to the image compilation.

From the build-envinronment to generate, for example, the image for Airdigital Zgemma H2H set-top box execute

For the Xtrend ET10000 set-top box

At the end of the process we’ll find the image ready to be uploaded on the set-top box in the deploy folder for each machine type; in the case of the Zgemma H2H the folder is


The zip file contains for the Zgemma H2H the file to be unzipped on the usb pen and uploaded on the device.

WARNING: The image installation on the device is at your own risk. We accept no responsibility if the installation leads to  malfunction or block of the device.

Enigma2 set-top-boxes

In this article we describe briefly a hardware category using embedded linux in satellite/terrestrial/cable set-top-boxes with the Enigma2 framework.

Enigma2 system is based on Openembedde/Yocto


Wiki Openembedded

and is developed in python; in tv set-top-boxes is present a linux system with its system drivers. This framework was developed and installed in its hardware by Dream Multimedia TV

Dream Multimedia

Dreambox wiki

Dream Multimedia TV distributed source code allowing the creation of alternative system images by  various development teams.

Counterfeits of Dream Multimedia set-to-boxes appeared in the market, so they restricted the license and source code distribution, trying to prevent their set-top-boxes cloning.

Other set-top-boxes manufactures developed their version of the open source Enigma2 framework; various developed teams gathered in the OE-Alliance group to develop the common parts of the system, as drivers, a common github, etc, letting to each team their custom personalization. Here is a list of OE-Alliace group development teams and other important teams

OE-Alliance Group

This is the common github link

OE-Alliance github

Using Enigma2 framework it is possible to add other functionalities developing addons, strengthening clearly the set-top-box.  HD set-top-boxes use almost exclusively MIPS Broadcom Socs, but with the UHD era manufacturers are beginning to use ARM Broadcom Socs.

Here are some set-top-boxes manufactures that use Enigma2 in their products




In other blogs we’ll decrive how to setup the envinroment and generate an Enigma2 image from source code based on OE-Alliance github or other important team.