LEDE building for Linkit 7688 Duo

After OpenWrt image building using the Mediatek SDK

OpenWrt building for Linkit 7688 and 7688 Duo

this article describes how to generate a LEDE image for the Linkit 7688 Duo.

The steps on how to compile LEDE are available at the link

LEDE Building

Clone the code from the github in a shell command window,  always from the  Linkit folder


Create the src folder under Linkit and extract the compressed file

Feed for Linkit

This feed was created from Mediatek one, eliminating the binary drivers  dependency.

Copy the file to the src folder and uncompress it

Go to the Lede folder and copy the feeds.conf.default file  as feeds.conf


Update the feeds  for the packages

Install the packages

Configure the kernel executing

Use the following settings

  • Target System: Mediatek Ralink MIPS
  • Subtarget: MT7688 based boards
  • Target Profile: Mediatek  LinkIt Smart 7688

menuconfigledeIn the Base system section enable mtk-linkit

mtk-linkitbasesystemSave and exit.

Run the building

where x is the number of cores to use in the building.

At the end of the process the generated image is available in the  bin/targets/ramips/mt7688/  folder as lede-ramips-mt7688-LinkIt7688-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin.

The built firmware is available here

Lede Image for Linkit 7688 Duo

WARNING: The image installation on the device is at your own risk. We accept no responsibility if the installation leads to  malfunction or block of the device.

If you upgrade the board using an usb key, you need to rename the lede-ramips-mt7688-LinkIt7688-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin file in lks7688.img.

This firmware may have malfunctions as it is not thoroughly tested and based on drivers under development.

In the next articles we’ll upload the images to the board and configure them

Installation and configuration of the Openwrt Image on Linkit 7688 and 7688 Duo