LEDE on Linkit 7688 Duo – Timecheck example

After the Python ad Firmata example

Firmata and Python

in this example we use the following programming model


We enable the board to work like Arduino Yun

Linkit 7688 Duo Arduino Yun

As specified in the Mediatek link, you must enable the bridge on the board; from a terminal in Lede run

At the reboot go to the Arduino Ide and choose File->Examples->Bridge->TimeCheck

timecheck_arduino-1-6-5We used the 1.6.5 Arduino Ide; we had issues whith the 1.8 version to build the sketch.

From the Arduino Ide, after the code upload, go to Tool->Serial Monitor to open the serial monitor

timecheckThe serial monitor window shows the current time.

After that, to run the other examples , disable the bridge setting with the commands