Tag Archives: armbian

OctoPrint installation on Orange PI PC – Autostart

After the installation of OctoPrint and CuraEngine in the previous article

OctoPrint Package Installation

we treat now the configuration of the 3d print server.

As first operation, we set up the automatic startup of OctoPrint.

Run the following commands

Edit the /etc/ defaults/octoprint file changing the pointing to the executable to start OctoPrint using vi

or nano

and edit the file from


taking into account also the different user being used.

Add the script to startup automatically OctoPrint

Start OctoPrint  with the command

Check that OctoPrint is active on port 5000 of the Orange PI PC by accessing the address

Rebooting the Orange PI PC, the OctoPrint server now starts automatically.

In the next article, Linux will be configured to connect to OctoPrint on the Http standard port, i.e. on  port 80

HAProxy Installation

OctoPrint installation on Orange PI PC – Python package installation

This article describes how to enable the Orange PI PC board to work as 3d printers network server.

A  software that provides this functionality is OctoPrint


From the OctoPrint site we can download an image for Raspberry PI with the system already ready; in the case of the Orange PI PC we have  to install and configure OctoPrint on a Linux image.

You can also use a Linux image available for Orange PI PC and run the steps related to OctoPrint package installation, but you have to check the prerequisites for Octoprint python package installation.

We instead built for this article an image using the Armban scripts.

As a first step, prepare the micro sd card with an Armbian image. In the specific case, we’ll use a Debian Jessie image created using the Armbian script, as indicated on the link

Armbian building

and described also in a previous article

Building Armbian image for Orange PI PC

We followed these steps to build the Armbian image on Ubuntu Xenial 16.04; from  a Linux command shell

In the building options choose

armbianopipcfosWe selected the default kernel configuration

armbianopipckernelChoose an Orange PI PC board

armbianopipcboardWe used the mainline kernel

armbianopipcmlkerneland Debian Jessie as distribution

armbianopipcjessieWe built an image with desktop envinronment

armbianopipcjessiedeAfter this option, the script proceeds to the compilation. The generated image is Armbian_5.34_Orangepipc_Debian_jessie_next_4.13.12_desktop.img. This image can be downloaded from the link

Armbian image for Orange Pi PC

Start Armbian and create the user for the Jessie image; in this case we choose octoprint/password as user.

If necessary, reconfigure the keyboard with the command

and proceed to upgrade the system

If the system needs to be configured via a wireless connection, the connection must be active at startup. For this purpose in our case we used the Wicd daemon

Wicd Debian

Remove the network-manager package

This command uninstalls network-manager and network-manager-gnome.

Check that the wireless interface is not present in


Proceed to Wicd installation

Check that the octoprint user is present in the netdev group

In our case it is already present, giving as a result


If not present, add it with the command

Start  wicd

Logon to the armbian graphic desktop and start the wireless configuration with the command


Configure and save the network connection from the graphical interface.

If you want the remote desktop follow the steps listed in the article

Remote desktop setup for Armbian on Orange PI PC

We can now install Octoprint. Follow the steps available at the link

OctoPrint installation on Linux

Install the prerequisites

Create under /opt the octoprint folder and assign the ownership  to octoprint

In a Linux shell command go to /opt/octoprint  folder and download the software


Create the  .octoprint folder

Add  octoprint to the following groups  to manage the 3d printer using the USB port

Check  the correct installation by running the command

The OctoPrint server can be reached on port 5000 at the IP address of Orange PI PC



Install the Cura Engine at this point; place yourself in the octoprint user’s home and download the source package

Unpack the package

Go into  the unpacked folder

Run  the compilation with the command

The compiled software is located under the build folder

curaengineCreate the /opt /octoprint/cura folder and copy the CuraEngine file to this folder

The executable is now in the /opt/octoprint/cura folder and will be used later by OctoPrint.

In the next article we’ll treat how to configure OctoPrint’s automatic startup

OctoPrint Autostart

Building Armbian image for Orange PI PC

We treat now the bulding of the image Armbian for Orange PI PC. From the developer’s github

Armbian Github

we find the steps to do the task.

From the Armbian site

Building Armbian

the supported building envinronment is Ubuntu. In our test we use Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS x86-64


and our Debian 8.5 envinroment used for the other tasks described on this site. With Ubuntu the compile.sh script installs all the required packages to build the image.  On the Armbian web site we can find also various compilation options..

Using Debian 8.5 as host, we have to exectute some prerequisites tasks described below. In the case of issues execute the building on Ubuntu..

First we install the cross compilation envinronment in Debian


We have to create the file  crosstools.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d

Edit this file and add the line

Save the file and add the repository key using curl. We install the curl package

and add the key

Now we are ready to install the packages and architecture as listed below

At this point the procedure is the same on Ubuntu or Debian. We create a folder called armbian under orangepi folder in the home folder of the linux system; in our case the user is sviluppo

We clone the repository with the following command in a shell command window in the armbian folder

To build the image execute

When requested enter the root password and for our image select the options described below.

  • Full OS image


  • Orangepipc board


  • default kernel


  • Debian stable image


  • Image with desktop envinronment


We find the image under the folder output/images ready to be transferred on a micro sd card as described in previous article


Remote desktop setup for Armbian on Orange PI PC

To enable the remote desktop for Armbian on Orange PI PC execute the logon to the system, for example using an ssh client

loginDelete, if installed, the packages

Install the following packages

Now we are able to login on Armbian using the remote desktop. Start the remote desktop client entering the Orange PI PC IP address

Remote Desktop ConnectionExecute the login with the user created at the first boot of Armbian, for example user1

Remote Desktop_LoginWe now have the access to the XFCE desktop remotely


Armbian Boot on Orange PI PC

After the creation of the micro sd card with the Armbian image for Orange PI PC

Armbian image on micro sd

we can boot the Orange PI PC with the card inserted in the card slot. At the boot the first operation is the partition increase on the card, then the system requires the root password change from the default, 1234, to a new password. The next operation is the creation of a normal Debian user, for example user1; we provide the main required informations like username, password and letting the default  for the other fields. After these steps the system opens the XFCE graphical interface with the default resolution. To change the resolution execute the following command

It shows a list with all the available options; to enable a 1080p60 resolution execute

 To change the locales configuration execute the following command choosing the language to use

while to modify the keyboard layout use the following command

SD card setup for Orange PI PC Armbian in Linux

As already described in the previous article

Openelec SD card setup

also for the Armbian distribution we have to prepare an sd micro card.It is advisable to use a micro SD class 10 to gain better performances. As first step  we proceed to the Armbian  image download from Armbian web site

Download Armbian Orange PI PC

We choose for example the Debian Jessie Desktop Image.

We install 7zip package. In Debian we can use the following command

After the file  download  wint 7z extension in a directory, we open a shell command window in this directory and  unzip the content

We have among other files the one with .raw extension. Then we plug the micro sd card and check this device

In our case we have the following output

We check if this device is umounted

In the case we have the device in the output response, as in our case

we proceed to the unmount

WARNING: Be sure that the device is the micro sd card and not the internal disk. The next operation imply the complete rewriting of the device with the loss of all data on it.

We can now write the image into the micro sd card, using the correct device, that in our case is /dev/sdb

WARNING: This operation wipes all data on the micro sd card.

After a while we have the micro sd card ready to be used in the Orange PI PC board.

SD card setup for Orange PI PC Armbian in OSX

As already described in the previous article

Openelec SD card setup

also for the Armbian distribution we have to prepare an sd micro card. It is advisable to use a micro SD class 10 to gain better performances. As first step  we proceed to the Armbian  image download from Armbian web site

Download Armbian Orange PI PC

We choose for example the Debian Jessie Desktop Image. We expand the content using a compression software, as Keka


obtaining one file having .raw extension


Then we plug the micro sd card and find this device

In our case we have the following output

We proceed to the device unmout; in our case the command is

WARNING: Be sure that the device is the micro sd card and not the internal disk. The next operation imply the complete rewriting of the device with the loss of all data on it.

We can now write the image into the micro sd card, using the correct device, that in our case is /dev/disk2

WARNING: This operation wipes all data on the micro sd card.

After a while we have the micro sd card ready to be used in the Orange PI PC board.

SD card setup for Orange PI PC Armbian in Windows

As already described in the previous article

Orange PI PC Openelec SD card setup

for the Armbian distribution we have to prepare an sd micro card.It is advisable to use a micro SD class 10 to gain better performances. As first step  we proceed to the Armbian  image download from Armbian web site

Download Armbian Orange PI PC

We choose for example the Debian Jessie Desktop Image

armbianWe expand the content using a compression software, as 7-zip, obtaining one file having .raw extension.


In windows operating system we can trasfer this image to the micro sd card by using a specific sotware. We used Win32 Disk Imager, available from the following link

Win32 Disk Imager

After the Win32 Disk Imager installazion we are able to write the micro sd card, i.e E disk in our case. We choose as input the image expanded in the step above

Win32 Disk ImagerEng

Press Write to transfer the image on the sd card.

WARNING: This operation wipes all data on the micro sd card.

After a while we have the micro sd card ready to be used in the Orange PI PC board.