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OpenWrt building for Linkit 7688 and 7688 Duo

After describing the general specifications of the two boards in the previous article

Linkit 7688 and 7688 Duo Development Boards

now we build the OpenWrt image from the sources. The following link describes the steps

Building the firmware from the source code

First we have to create the folder Linkit under /home/sviluppo in a shell command window in our Debian image, already used to  build OpenWrt in another article

Building OpenWrt Image

Install the prerequisites

Clone the OpenWrt repository

In the shell command window go to the openwrt folder and copy feeds.conf.default file as feeds.conf

Add the Mediatek feed for the boards

Update the feeds  for the packages

Install the packages

Configure the kernel executing

Use the following settings

  • Target System: Ralink RT288x/RT3xxx
  • Subtarget: MT7688 based boards
  • Target Profile: LinkIt7688

menuconfigSave and exit.

Run the building

At a certain point, the building generates an error for the wireless card libraries. Mediatek has not released the wireless card sources, but an sdk with compiled binaries for a kernel version  different from the one we are using in the building; the error reported is

One way to fix the problem is the following.

Go to the  /home/sviluppo/Linkit/openwrt/feeds/linkit/mtk-sdk-wifi/wifi_binary/  folder and copy the files for our kernel version

Rerun the building. At the end of the process the generated file is available in the  bin/ramips folder

linkit imageThe built firmware is available here

OpenWrt Linkit 7688 and 7688 Duo Image

WARNING: The image installation on the device is at your own risk. We accept no responsibility if the installation leads to  malfunction or block of the device.

If you upgrade the board using an usb flah drive, you need to rename the openwrt-ramips-mt7688-LinkIt7688-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin file in lks7688.img.

The image kernel for this building  is  3.18_45; If you want to use a recent kernel, you must use the opensource drivers available for the board; in the case of the Linkit 7688 Duo card, in our possession, we can rebuild the image using the Realtek rt76 drivers for the wireless network adapter and add the additional components for the Atmel MCU using LEDE, an OpenWrt fork

LEDE Project

In the next article you will build  a LEDE image for the Linkit 7688 Duo board. For the Linkit 7688 board at this time, the mraa libraries, used to interface the periphals, are not yet compatible with the latest version of LEDE and the functionality of the image is limited. There may be also bugs in the  wireless card opensource drivers, which hopefully are solved in the refinement of these drivers.

 LEDE building for Linkit 7688 Duo

Linkit 7688 and 7688 Duo Development Boards

This article briefly describes the Mediatek Linkit 7688 and 7688 Duo development boards. Below the links for the two boards

Linkit 7688

7688Linkit 7688 Duo


The  specifications of the two boards are the following

Linkit 7688

ModelLinkit Smart 7688
MPUMT7688AN, MIPS24KEc, 580MHz
RAM128 Mb DDR2
Flash memory32 Mb
GPIO22 (MT7688AN) 3,3 V
PWM4 (MT7688AN) 3,3 V
Expernal Interrupts22 (MT7688AN)
SPI1 (MT7688AN)
UART Lite3 (MT7688AN)
PowerMicro USB 5V DC or PIN 3,3 V
EthernetBy extension
Wifi1T1R 802.11 b/g/n (2.4G)
User storareMicro SDSDXC sdcard
Dimensions55.7 x 26 mm
Weight39 grams

Linkit 7688 Duo

ModelLinkit Smart 7688 Duo
MPUMT7688AN, MIPS24KEc, 580MHz
RAM128 Mb DDR2
Flash memory32 Mb
GPIO3 (MT7688AN) 3,3 V
24 (ATmega32U4)
PWM8 (ATmega32U4) 3,3 V
External Interrupts8 (ATmega32U4)
SPI1 (ATmega32U4)
UART Lite1 (ATmega32U4)
1 (MT7688AN)
PowerMicro USB 5V DC or PIN 3,3 V
EthernetBy extension
Wifi1T1R 802.11 b/g/n (2.4G)
User storageMicro SDSDXC sdcard
Dimensions55.7 x 26 mm
Weight39 grams

The two boards share the same Microprocessor (MPU MT7688AN), but in the case of the Linkit 7688 Duo this MPU  is supported by the Atmel Microcontroller (MCU ATmega32U4) for device management.

The interfacing schemes are shown with peripherals in the two cases below


The operating system used for both bords is OpenWrt, but the peripherals management is different. While in the case of Linkit 7688 we only rely on MPUs and specific libraries to manage the interfacing with peripherals, for the Linkit 7688 Duo the ATmega32U4 microcontroller manages the peripherals. The programming  of the ATmega32U4 is executed with the Arduino IDE by adding the Linkit 7688 Duo board support into the tool as specified at the following link

Arduino Ide support for Linkit 7688 Duo

At the followning  link there is the Mediatek documentation for the two boards

Linkit 7688 and 7688 Duo Resources

The following pages  show how the two boards can interact with the various peripherals

Linkit 7688 peripherals

Linkit 7688 Duo peripherals

At the Mediatek site, there are also examples to follow step by step to test the various features of the development boards.

The next article shows how to connect the USB OTG cable , to use with a USB drive, an USB TTL serial cable,  to monitor the device,  to the board

 Linkit 7688 Duo Connections

Mqtt with Beaglebone and ESP8266 – Articles List

Below is a list of the  articles to follow  to build your IOT environment consisting of sensors and relays with Beaglebone, ESP8266 and MQTT Mosquitto server.

  1. Architecture and Mqtt protocol
  2. Mosquitto Mqtt installation on Beaglebone
  3. Mqtt on ESP8266
  4. Temperature sensor on ESP8266 with Mqtt protocol
  5. Relay on ESP8266 with Mqtt protocol
  6. Configuration of Http server, Mqtt websocket protocol on Beaglebone
  7. Freeboard dashboard installation and configuration on Beaglebone
  8. Android client to manage sensors with Mqtt protocol

Mqtt with Beaglebone and ESP8266 – Android Client

After Mosquitto server, ESP8266 nodes and Freeboard configuration

Mqtt with Beaglebone and ESP8266-Mosquitto installation on Beaglebone

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266-MQTT ESP8266

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – MQTT on ESP8266 with temperature sensor

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – MQTT on ESP8266 with Relay

Mqtt with Beaglebone and ESP8266 – Freeboard

now we can proceed to use a Mqtt Client on an Android device.

In the Playstore various Mqtt applications are available

android mqttAfter the publishing and subscriber topics configuration in the Android client , analogous to what has been done for Freeboard widgets

Mqtt with Beaglebone and ESP8266 – Freeboard

it is possible to monitor the sensor temperature and humidity, the devices status and send commands to the relay (Turn On, Turn Off, Status, Restart, Sleep) and to the sensor (Restart, Sleep, Status).

Here is a screenshot with some subcriber topic and publisher topics of our installation using MQTT Dashboard

android mqtt relayoffWith the relay on

android mqtt relayon

Libreelec8 addon building for Orange PI PC

In the article about the Libreelec8 build for Orange PI PC

Libreelec8 in OrangePI PC

we created the environment and compiled the Libreelec8 image for our development board. We integrate what it has been said in the previous article showing how to build  the Libreelec 8 addons for our Orange PI PC board.

Now we proceed to build some addons. The packages that you can build are available in the kodi-binary-addons folder as shown below

libreelec8 addonsand in the packages/addons folder

addons packages

We build the  pvr.iptvsimple addon running the following command from the /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/libreelec-8.0 folder

addon command

We build the proftpd addon, among those avaliable in the packages/addons  folder

The compiled addons are available in the following folder


Here are the links to download some compiled addons

PVR addons

Service Addons

Mqtt with Beaglebone and ESP8266 – Freeboard

After the Mqtt web client installation

MQTT with Beaglebone and ESP8266 – WebServer and MQTT WebSocket

let’s install now the dashboard freeboard


In a ssh commad shell go into the /var/www/html  folder on Beaglebone as root and clone the freeboard github respository; change the owner of the freeboard folder in www-data:www-data

With a web browser go to the freeboard  folder on Beaglebone webserver to access the dashboard


We have to add now Freeboard additional plugins. We add the following

  •  freeboard-mqtt

Clone the https://github.com/alsm/freeboard-mqtt github

Download the mqtt paho javascript library

Paho mqtt javascript library

Here is the direct link to the library

Last Version mqttws31.js

Create the mqtt folder under the Freeboard plugins folder and copy the mqttws31.js and paho.mqtt.plugin.js files

Edit the paho.mqtt.plugin.js file and insert the reference to the mqttws31.js library in the external_scripts section; in this case too we have to change the folder and contents owner

Change the owner

Edit the /var/www/html/freeboard/index.html file and insert the reference to the paho.mqtt.plugin.js plugin in the heads.js section

  • Add the dynamic-highcharts plugin

Clone in a folder the github

Copy the plugin_highcharts.js to the folder /var/www/html/plugins/thirdparty and change the owner

Edit again the file /var/www/html/freeboard/index.html and add the plugin as done above

Access now the Freeboard dashboard and add the links to the temperature and humidity topics, the gauges and timeseries mesauring the values in real time and in a specific range of time . Here are some settings:

  • Datasource

freeboard datasource

  • Gauge

freeboard gauge

  • Timeseries

freeboard timeseriesChrome/Chromium browser allows to save the settings in a json file. This settings can be loaded locally or loaded from the web server, saving for example the dashboard.json file in /var/www/html/freeboard,  with the url

The image shows the Freeboad interface with various widgets showing the status and timeseries of the ESP8266 relay and sensors

freeboard dashboard

In these series of articles we configured the envinronment to access the Beaglebone using the beaglebone.local/beaglebone alias

Debian sd card setup for Beaglebone Black

but you can use anyway the Beaglebone IP tho access the services provided by the board.

In the next article we’ll treat the Mqtt Android client

Mqtt with Beaglebone and ESP8266 – Android Client




Libreelec8 in OrangePI PC

This article describes the steps that I ran to prepare a first version of Libreelec 8 in Orange PI PC cards and other H3 socs.

Starting from the Debian development envinronment, with its installed packages, already used for the compilation of OpenELEC 7

 Openelec compilation for Orange PI PC

we proceed to build an Libreelec 8 image.

We started as basis from the work done for Openelec 7 and Libreelec 7 available on the two github repositories

H3 Openelec 7 Github

H3 Libreelec 7 Github

Log in a unix command shell as user sviluppo; create a folder, libreelec , under orangepi folder and move into it

Clone the Libreelec8 github

The patches have been created for a specific version of the commit, so we align our github clone to that version

Download from the following link the patches, the H3 project and other stuff

H3 Libreelec 8

Unzip this file in /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec

Run the following steps

1)Copy  to /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/libreelec-8.0/projects the folder


2) Copy to /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/libreelec-8.0/packages/multimedia  the folders


3) Copy to /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/libreelec-8.0/packages/tools the folder


4) Copy to /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/libreelec-8.0/packages/sysutils  the folder


5) Copy to /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/libreelec-8.0/packages/graphics  the folder


6) Copy to /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/libreelec-8.0/packages/linux-drivers  the folder


7)  The following patches are available in /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/H3LE8/patches folder









Patch the code from the /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec folder running the following commands

Proceed to the image build for Orange PI PC from the folder /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/libreelec-8.0  running

At the end of the compilation in the /home/sviluppo/orangepi/libreelec/libreelec-8.0/target folder we find the files to install or update Libreelec 8

 At the link

Openelec 7 H3 FAQ

we find the boards we can build changing the SYSTEM parameter in the building command


This image is a first attempt to build Libreelec 8 for  H3  socs. The image was installed on Orange PI PC and the system worked well, but still bugs and malfunctions may occur.

Here is the built Libreelec 8 image for Orange PI PC

Orange PI PC Libreelec 8 Image

We tested this image on an Orange PI PC board.

Here are other images we did’t test on the devices

Orange Pi2 Libreelec 8 Image

Orange Pi Lite Libreelec 8 Image

Orange Pi One Libreelec 8 Image

Orange Pi PC Plus Libreelec 8 Image

Orange Pi Plus Libreelec 8 Image

Orange Pi Plus 2e Libreelec 8 Image

WARNING: The image installation on the device is at your own risk. We accept no responsibility if the installation leads to  malfunction or block of the device.

The following article shows how to build the addons

Libreelec 8 addon building for Orange PI PC

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – WebServer and MQTT WebSocket

After the MQTT server and  ESP8266 nodes configurations

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – Mosquitto installation on Beaglebone

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266-MQTT ESP8266

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – MQTT on ESP8266 with temperature sensor

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – MQTT on ESP8266 with Relay

we analize now the webserver configuration on BeagleBone and  the Websocket configuration for the broker MQTT mosquitto always on Beaglebone.

First step is to access on the Beaglebone in ssh and disable the following services

Go into the folder /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and modfy 000-default.conf  changing the webserver port from 8080 to 80

In /etc/apache2/port.conf modify the listening port from  8080  to 80

Restart the Http server

Go into folder  /etc/mosquitto/conf.d and create a new file websockets.conf with the following contents inside

Save the file and restart Mosquitto

Disable the IPV6 protocol on  Beaglebone as described at the following link

Disable IPV6 in Debian

In the file /etc/sysctl.conf add

Restart the Beaglebone.

We proceed at this point to install on the http server a MQTT Websocket client and the Freeboard dashboard.

As for the MQTT Websocket client hive-MQTT we download the code from github

Hive mqtt

Log in as root in ssh on Beaglebone and go into /var/www/html folder;  clone the Mqtt client into mqtt-web folder and change the owner of this folder

With a web browser navigate on our Http server to the mqtt-web link obtaining the Mqtt Web client; we can now set the parameters for the connection to the Mosquitto Mqtt Broker

mqtt web client connectionPopulating the values for the subscription and publishing topics we can access to the messages of the topics and the ability to perform a command to the publishing topic

mqtt web clientIn the next article we’ll install the Freeboad dashboard on the Beaglebone

Mqtt with Beaglebone and ESP8266 – Freeboard

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – MQTT on ESP8266 with Relay

After the article about the connection with the temperature and humidity sensor

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – MQTT on ESP8266 with temperature sensor

in this article we set the esp8266 to run a relay. Here is how we connect the relay to the ESP module

nodemcu relay

In this example too we will consider the option of putting the nodemcu in sleep. To have the node back form the sleep the system has to reboot and  it is necessary to connect the PIN D0 (GPIO16) to RST PIN as specified in the nodemcu documentation

Nodemcu sleep

Let us take a look at the lua code; It consists of init.lua and relay.lua files.

We analyze now the main points of each file

  • init.lua

In the file we set the the parameters to access the wifi network, the address and port of the MQTT broker  and the file to be run on the ESP after wifi connection to the access point is estabilished. If the ESP doesn’t acquire the network address the system is restarted.

  • relay.lua

The relay.lua file manages the relay, the subscription on MQTT broker with submission of the data. Global parameters have been set to manage the topic, the waiting time in tmr.alarm. There are in particular the following topics

  • /home/relay1/status : Status topic. The status is sent at the start and at  request from the command topic /home/relay1/command.
  • /home/relay1/monitor: Status of the esp sent periodically to this topic.
  • /home/relay1/command: Other clients can send commands to the esp:
    • Restart: Restarts the esp.
    • Sleep n: Put to sleep for n seconds the esp.
    • ON: Turn on the  relay.
    • OFF: Turn off the  relay.
    • Status: Request of tthe relay status (ON or OFF).

There are various service functions to manage all. The comments in the code describe each feature.

In the next article we will set up the webserver on Beaglebone and the websocket configuration for Mosquitto always on the Beaglebone

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – WebServer and MQTT WebSocket

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – MQTT on ESP8266 with temperature sensor

After loading the firmware into the device esp8266

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266-MQTT ESP8266

we now connect this module with a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. Here is how we connect the sensor to the ESP module

nodemcu dht11

In this example we will consider the option of putting the nodemcu in sleep. To have the node back form the sleep  the system has to reboot and  it is necessary to connect the PIN D0 (GPIO16) to RST PIN as specified in the nodemcu documentation

Nodemcu sleep

Let us take a look at the lua code; It consists of init.lua and tempumid.lua files.

We analyze now the main points of each file

  • init.lua

In the file we set the the parameters to access the wifi network, the address and port of the MQTT broker  and the file to be run on the ESP after wifi connection to the access point is estabilished. If the ESP does’t acquire the netowrk address the system is restarted.

  • tempumid.lua

The temumid.lua file manages the measurement of temperature and humidity, the subscription on MQTT broker with submission of the data. Global parameters have been set to manage the topic, the waiting time in tmr.alarm. There are in particular the following topics

  • /home/room1/temperature: measured temperature topic.
  • /home/room1/humidity: measured humidity topic.
  • /home/room1/status : Status topic. The status is sent at the start and at  request from the command topic /home/room1/command.
  • /home/room1/monitor: Status of the esp sent periodically to this topic.
  • /home/room1/command: Other clients can send commands to the esp:
    • Restart: Restarts the esp.
    • Sleep n: Put to sleep for n seconds the esp.

There are various service functions to manage all. The comments in the code describe each feature.

In the next article we will set up the esp with the relay

MQTT with BeagleBone and ESP8266 – MQTT on ESP8266 with Relay